The Yoga of Being

With Teri Anderson
yoga graphic against horizon
Event Date: 
Monday, December 4, 2023 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Join us for a restorative yoga class with slow, gentle, and fully supported yoga stretches allowing for deep rest and relaxation. This yoga session will be infused with meditative music and poetry. This is an especially helpful practice as we enter the winter season when our bodies naturally begin to slow down but busy schedules urge us to speed up. No yoga experience required. Yoga mats, bolsters, and pillows will be provided. Please bring a blanket. You may bring your own yoga mat if you have one.

The class will be led by Westhampton resident, Teri Anderson. Teri is a certified interdisciplinary yoga instructor and Body-Mind Centering® somatic movement educator. She has been teaching yoga and movement for 20+ years. Her approach to yoga is slow, gentle and meditative with attention to body-mind awareness, comfort, and ease of movement.

This program is sponsored by the Friends of Westhampton Public Library and the Lyn Keating Program Fund.

Space in this class is available on a first come first served basis.