New Universal Waste Shed at Transfer Station

Divert your mercury products, ballasts and batteries!
IMAGE: Batteries and ballasts

A new Universal Waste Shed (items containing mercury vapor) has been installed at the Town’s transfer station. The Shed that has been acquired through a MADEP Equipment Grant and with Recycling Dividend Program funds is for the collection of mercury vapor lamps, mercury thermometers, ballasts, and batteries that are banned from disposal in the trash.

Kathleen Casey, Administrator for the Hilltown Resource Management Cooperative, has prepared a handy guide (see attached) to the types of items that can be recycled, and why diverting these items from the standard solid-waste stream is essential.

If you have questions, contact the HRMC by telephone at 413-685-5498, or by email.

PDF icon wh_universal_waste_shed.pdf57.52 KB