Opening Reception Two Friends Painting: Plein Air Paintings of the Pioneer Valley

Work by Georgie Runkle & Susanna White
two friends painting event cover
Event Date: 
Thursday, October 12, 2023 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm

One cold November morning in the fall of 2021 Georgie Runkle and her partner were driving through Easthampton as Susanna White was out painting on location at Nashawannuck Pond in Easthampton.  Being a curious plein air painter, Georgie pulled over and asked Susanna if she was a plein air painter, too.  Susanna looked at her painting, then at Georgie and said, “Why, yes, I believe I am.” Thus began a painting friendship that has taken these two painters to various locations around the Pioneer Valley from Holyoke’s Pulaski Park to Mount Holyoke and Smith Colleges, to Westhampton, Southampton and more.  They’ve painted as often as the two could manage during the warmer weather. They share bold, colorful palettes and views, yet create totally different realities.  This show is the culmination of the past two years of their efforts.