Yoga with Brian

Event Date: 
Monday, August 28, 2023 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Yoga with Brian is back!  Join instructor Brian Mulligan once per month on the last Monday evening of the month in the library community room.

This gentle yoga class emphasizes breathing, balance, strength building and relaxation.  Brian Mulligan is a certified yoga instructor who has taught in Western MA for over 3 years.

What you will need:  a yoga mat, a clear space and one hour of uninterrupted time.

About the Instructor:  Brian has earned a 200 hr. certification from Yogaspirits of Beverly MA.  He also holds certificates from Sloan Kettering's Yoga for Cancer, Tari Prinster's Yoga4Cancer, and Kripalu's Lakshmi Voelker's chair yoga.  He has taught over 125 classes at various locations in Western MA:  Florence Organic Garden, Florence Indigo Health Center, Westhampton Public Library and Easthampton Public Library.