Art Reception Closing

Angela Griefen
farm field painting by angela griefen
Event Date: 
Saturday, January 27, 2024 - 10:30am to 12:30pm

Join us for the closing reception for our December-January artist, Angela Griefen.

Shortly after I moved to Westhampton, almost 7 years ago, I was kindly invited to join the Hilltown Plein Air painters, a group of painters living in the Westhampton, Northampton area.  And so, I began painting outside, surrounded by nature; something I had never tried before.  My paintings concentrate on form, composition, color and contrasting placements of shapes. I  am primarily a landscape painter , taking advantage of the beauty of our local area, the  Adirondacks and Martha’s Vineyard. I work both in oil and acrylic on canvas and wood panels.  Most of my work is started plein air and finished in the studio. I am mostly a self-taught artist, interested in capturing what I see and feel. This current show at Westhampton Library is a compilation of paintings that I have finished over the past several years.

—Angela Griefen