Zoning Bylaw Review Committee

The Zoning Bylaw has submitted its final recommendations to the Planning Board, which accepted the report on August 8, 2023.

You can read the proposed revision to the Zoning Bylaw here (Adobe Acrobat or PDF reader required).

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The Zoning Bylaw Review Committee was created by the Selectboard on September 12, 2016 as a sub-committee to the Planning Board.  The members are Art Pichette, John Kelsey, John Shaw, Steve Gagne, Brigid O'Riordan, and Pat Coffey. 

The duties of the committee are to review the current Westhampton Zoning Bylaws, consider and review additional zoning bylaws, and make recommendations to the Planning Board for revisions to go to public hearing and than to seek approval at town meeting. 

The committee meets on Zoom every other Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. To receive Zoom information check the agenda that is posted with the Town Clerk.  The committee is seeking input and suggestions before the bylaws go to public hearing.  You may submit suggestions to westhampton@gmail.com; cell phone to John Shaw 413-207-4527; or join a meeting.