COA Schedules Monthly Hikes

We are planning another in-town hike for Sunday, November 6, beginning and ending at David Majercik’s home, 41 Lyman Road, Westhampton. WE’LL BEGIN OUR HIKE ABOUT 2:00 PM and SHOULD BE DONE ABOUT 3:15 PM. HIKING BOOTS RECOMMENDED, IF YOU HAVE THEM. ONE AREA MIGHT BE A BIT WET. ONE SHORT, STEEP SECTION, BUT WE WILL TAKE OUR TIME. This hike will include the largest boulder in Westhampton, a cellar hole or two, and foundations of an old mill plus the mouth of the old White Reservoir - and bit of local history, of course. 

Carpooling: No need since there is plenty of room along Lyman Road near David and Carol’s house.